A.H.E.A.D.: Achieving Healing Through Education, Accountability, and Determination
A psycho-educational curriculum for traumatic brain injury, the goal is to provide justice-involved individuals who have screened positive for traumatic brain injury (TBI) with the insight and tools to better cope with and address the symptoms that they deal with, such as short-term memory loss, delayed speed of processing, and difficulty with emotional regulation. This group curriculum was developed based on best practices for group facilitation for individuals with TBI. In addition, the group topic focus areas were selected to address the hallmark symptoms of TBI.
State Considerations - CMS Recognizes Brain Injury As Chronic Condition
This new resource, brought to you by NASHIA and the Brain Injury Association of America, seeks to provide an overview of the practical implications for the new designation of brain injury as a chronic condition by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
The guide covers what this new designation means from a policy level, and also offers tips for states on how to support advocates, leverage the designation for additional Medicaid considerations, and utilize it beyond Medicare/Medicaid.
Sex, Gender and TBI: A Path to Recovery and Care
NASHIA's partners at the KITE Toronto Rehabilitation Institute University Health Network recently disseminated an important resource for the brain injury community: Sex, Gender and TBI: A Path to Recovery and Care.
The materials (infographics packaged up in an easy to view "flip-book") can be shared widely. The authors of the resource hope that people with brain injury and their families find this educational material useful in helping them understand brain injury, what to expect, and the implications of sex and gender for their injury journey.
Concussion Awareness Now
Concussion Awareness Now brings together nearly twenty organizations that care deeply about brain injury. The coalition, and website, have been created to help people learn more about concussions. The campaign’s goal is to make sure that every person who sustains a concussion receives a diagnosis, the best possible care and the resources and information they need.
CDC TBI Prevention Initiatives
Published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 2022, this one-pager clarifies the CDC’s role within the TBI field while providing a broad overview of their research and programming.
TeachAids Concussion Education Product Suite
NASHIA has partnered with TeachAids, a nonprofit leader in global education innovation, to distribute free state-of-the-art concussion education products to include, 1) Crashcourse Concussion Education, 2) Brain Fly-Through, and 3) Concussion Story Wall. TeachAids “research-based interactive productions are available online as standard videos and in virtual reality (free of charge) to provide athletes, parents, coaches and the sports community with the latest medical knowledge on the prevention and treatment of concussions.”
Brain Injury and COVID-19: Tips for Successful Navigation
“While research to date has focused on potential neurological impairment to COVID-19 patients, little attention has been placed on the effects of the fallout caused by COVID-19 on individuals who are living with brain injury.”
Physicians Tip Card for Patients Living with Brain Injury
Published by the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM) in 2021, this tip card for patients living with brain injury is geared towards physicians.