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Resource Facilitation: Virtual Approaches for Real Supports in Brain Injury

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Now more than ever there is a need for web-based supports that will help to guide individuals with brain injury back to home, emotional well-being, community, school or work.  This podcast will encompass a broad overview of resource facilitation and will then highlight two available therapeutic and management approaches during an interactive, informative session. NASHIA will provide an overview of resource facilitation and its importance in this field. Steve Sutter and Dr. Lance Trexler will introduce promising resource facilitation tools that are making a difference in the lives of individuals with brain injury. Dr. Kajankova will discuss how an emotion regulation intervention can improve affective and cognitive outcomes, which can lead to success in becoming or remaining employed. Related research analysis indicating successful outcomes will be shared as well as examples of implementation across states. States can learn how to access these tools within their own states.

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CreateAbility Concepts, Inc. has been in the human services industry as a for profit technology company for 20 years. Their evidence-based research has been funded through 3 federal agencies in the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) programs, and all their products are the result of their over thirty Phase 1 and Phase 2 projects.


Steve Sutter is the President and Founder of CreateAbility Concepts, Inc., a technology company located in Indianapolis with a variety of web and app-based systems helping individuals with disabilities live and work better through research and the development of assistive technologies. Steve’s passion for helping people with special needs was sparked years ago, and since 1984, he has been serving the special needs community in both state and local groups. Steve launched his business focused on using technology to support people with special needs to thrive wherever they are.

Lance Trexler, PhD, is the Executive Director, Brain Injury Rehabilitation Research and Program Development, Rehabilitation Hospital of Indiana, Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor of PM&R, Indiana University School of Medicine, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Speech and Hearing Sciences at Indiana University, and Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychological Sciences at Purdue University.  In addition to serving as a clinician in rehabilitation neuropsychology since 1979, he has developed, implemented and disseminated rehabilitation and social interventions for those with brain injury. 

Maria Kajankova, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Rehabilitation and Human Performance at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. She provides assessment and treatment to individuals with brain injury and other neurological and medical conditions and their caregivers. Her research focuses on development, validation, and implementation of neurobehavioral interventions for individuals with brain injury. She has served as an investigator on several federally funded intervention studies for individuals with brain injury. 

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