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Social Security Benefits, Disability Rights and Employment

NASHIA, in collaboration with the Disability Law Center of Massachusetts, provides this webinar focusing on disability benefits and accommodations relating to employment for individuals with brain injury.

 SSI and Social Work Incentive Rules: Understanding the Effect of Work on SSI and Social Security Disability Benefits


Service coordinators are encouraged to support individuals with brain injury to pursue their vocational goals, both before and after an application for SSI/SSDI. This webinar will cover the basics of SSI and SSDI eligibility and what recipients of these benefits need to know when they work.


1) To explain the SSI and SSDI program history and purpose.
2) To explain the basics of eligibility for SSI and SSDI, including Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA) used to determine disability status.
3) To understand that individuals eligible for SSI and SSDI can try work without immediate loss of benefits, when their wages will affect their benefits, and their reporting responsibilities to SSA.


Linda Landry, Senior Attorney
Disability Law Center of Massachusetts

View the recording.

View the slide deck.

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