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Traumatic Brain Injury and Mental Health for the Mental/Behavioral Health Community

The National Association of State Head Injury Administrators (NASHIA) is proud to partner with the Mountain Plains Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC). The intensive workshops are directed towards specific populations. The intensive workshops are intended for individuals and providers who support the mental health, substance abuse, veterans, and school-age communities.The series will conclude with a final general session, again open to anyone, focused on screening in primary health care. The intensive workshops are limited to 20 participants each. Each workshop consist of a presentation, an interactive exercise, and Q & A. This format is designed to facilitate experiential learning and problem solving. Each workshop will be led by a nationally recognized subject matter expert.


Dr. Kim Gorgens, University of Denver

More Information Here

View the recording.

View the slide deck.

September 8

Traumatic Brain Injury and Mental Health in the Veterans Community

October 6

Traumatic Brain Injury and Mental Health in the K-12 Education Community