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Building Partnerships That Last: Working with TBI Model Systems

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Since 1987, the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) has awarded funds to TBI Model Systems (TBI MS), institutions that are national leaders in medical research and patient care. These TBI Model Systems provide the highest level of comprehensive specialty services from the point of injury through eventual re-entry into full community life. Learn more about the history and structure across all the TBI Model Systems, some of the specific efforts being conducted by the 16 currently funded TBI Model Systems, and how to partner with these TBI MS to bring research into best practice in your state.

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Participants will learn:

Participants will learn:

  • An overview of the history, funding mechanisms, components, and research efforts of NIDILRR and the TBI Model Systems grants. 

  • The work of the TBI MS National Data and Statistical Center (TBINDSC), the central resource for researchers and data collectors within the program that provides technical assistance, training, and methodological consultation to 16 TBIMS; and the work of the TBI MS Knowledge Translation Center (MSKTC), a national center that facilitates the translation of TBI research and products for a wide range of stakeholders. 

  • Specific partnerships between TBI MS and state programs to collaborate on initiatives, from research to practice. 


Cate Miller, PhD

Rehabilitation Program Specialist


Kristen Dams O’Connor, PhD

Director, Brain Injury Research Center

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai


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