Cultivating interactions where everyone feels heard, validated, and accommodated.
Either as a provider or as a client/participant who has sustained brain injury, have you ever felt like you struggled to successfully communicate in particular settings or scenarios? This session will approach and address this challenge from both sides of the equation. You will walk away with several strategies that can lead to successful communication for both providers and clients. Everyone deserves to be heard, validated, and accommodated, which, when honored, leads to respect, organized care, and mindful decision-making. This session will recognize the incredible successes and challenges of communication and assist with helping everyone maximize interactions together.
Taryn Barlow is a Cognitive Health Coach for her private virtual practice-The Well Brain TM. Cognitive health coaching is Taryn's creation utilizing her skills as a speech-language pathologist, Certified International Health Coach, Certified Brain Injury Specialist & Amen University Certified Brain Health Professional. Taryn is passionate about supporting individuals who have sustained brain injury in balancing lifestyle, enabling them to thrive again. She has worked in healthcare in a variety of settings throughout her career supporting cognitive healing across the medical healing journey, always dedicated to individualizing care with intentions to maximize quality of life.
Ali Rheaume is an award-winning public speaker, disability advocate, spokesperson, and artist who is an encouraging light in the journey of overcoming brain injury. She was recently named Westfield State University’s 2022 Alumna of the Year and was the recipient of the MAHPERD (Massachusetts Association of Health, PE, Recreation and Dance) Distinguished Service Award.
Ali has a Bachelor's degree in Movement Science and a Master’s Degree in Health, Physical Education, and Recreation. She is additionally certified in Responsive Classroom, Special Populations, and WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan). Ali is the owner of her art business Embracing Unique, the facilitator of a Life After Concussion support group, and the host of “Rise Up” - a social hour for individuals navigating life with disability. She serves on the Brain Injury Council of Massachusetts as well as the Franklin Disability Commission. Ali has also taken on several advisory roles, including helping Open Door Arts and Mass Culture Council to evaluate and improve the accessibility of arts and culture in Massachusetts. She uses social media to help multiply hope, provide new perspectives, and apply her gift of teaching to educate and advocate. Ali is passionate about people and bringing the community together as a collaborative effort to support, advocate, and increase awareness of brain injury.
Supporting Materials:
Certificate of Attendance (Until May 2026) -
Free for Members/$15 for Non-Members
Social Work CEs (Until May 2026) -
$10 for Members/$15 for Non-Members