State-of-the-States 2017


28th Annual State of the States in Head Injury Meeting
“Sharing the Lessons; Advancing the Learning”
Sponsored by the National Association of State Head Injury Administrators
Tempe Mission Palms 60 East Fifth Street
Tempe, AZ 85281
September 11 – 14, 2017

Tempe, Arizona

Key Downloads and Links

Save the Date and Sponsor Information

2017 SOS Brochure


Monday, September 11, 2017

Pre-conference: Building Bridges of Insight Into the Adolescent Brain

11:am—12:30pm – Lessons Learned Related to the Interface Between Acquired Brain Injury and Developmental Delay

Pam Klonoff, PhD

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

28th Annual State of the States: Sharing the Lesson, Advancing the Learning

10:00am – 11:30am – Concurrent Workshops

1)    Panel: Supporting Service Members Veterans and Military Families

Missouri SMVF Needs Assessment

Venice Wood and Dean Andersen

Vets in College

Patricia Goodall, Med, Ed.S.

2)    Panel: Intimate Partner Violence

The Intersection of Domestic Violence & Brain Injury, New York State’s Experience

Margo B. Singer, MPA, CBIS

Recognizing and Understanding Brain Injury in Victims of Domestic Violence

Handout: HELP Brain Injury Screening Tool and Follow-up Questions

Peggy Reisher


Wednesday, September 13, 2017

General Session – 8:30am – 9:30am

Rethinking Program Evaluation

Susan Jenkins, PhD and Jennifer Tillery

9:45am – 11:15am – Concurrent Workshops

1) LTTSL Innovative Approaches Leading toward Better Outcomes: Part 1—Broad Perspective

Susan Vaughn and Stefani O’Dea

2) Panel: Training Approaches: Conducting Effective Training On Brain Injury

Handout: Suggested Handouts for Brain Injury Training Participants

Engaging with Community Partners: Creating Customized TBI Training to Build Capacity to Identify, Support & Serve Individuals Living with TBI-Maryland

Handout: Role Play

Anastasia B. Edmonston

Partnerships and Challenges in Building Capacity for Elders with TBI Through Training

Gabriela Lawrence-Soto

Project ECHO TABI and TBI Core Competencies in Alaska!

Danielle Reed and Eric Boyer

3) Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)

Rita Martin

11:45pm – 3:15pm – Concurrent Workshops

1)   Panel: State Advisory Boards: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

2)    Implementing Successful Resource Facilitation and Service Coordination Supports

Brain Injury Association of NH Neuro-Resource Facilitation Program

Handout: New Hampshire Neuro-Resource Facilitation Program Resource Sheet

Erin Hall

General Session – 3:30pm—4:30pm

Overview of Current Initiatives: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (15 megabytes)

Grant Baldwin, PhD, MPH

Thursday, September 14, 2017

General Session – 9:45am – 10:30am

Updates on Protection and Advocacy

Handout: National Disability Rights Network: Overview of the Protection & Advocacy Traumatic Brain Injury Grant Program

Handout: Alabama Disabilities Advocacy Program

Christy Johnson

Handout: Arizona Center for Disability Law

Maya Abela

Elizabeth Fuqua

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State-of-the-States 2018


State-of-the-States 2016