Public Policy Priorities
NASHIA tracks federal legislation, proposed rules and regulations, policies affecting individuals with TBI and their families, and State programs and services. NASHIA's Public Policy Committee recommends public policy priorities to the membership each year at the annual meeting, which are then adopted. The issues become part of the Public Policy Platform and a summary is made available each session through the Public Policy Brochure.
NASHIA partners with TBI stakeholders, including the Brain Injury Association of American (BIAA) and the National Disability Rights Network (NDRN) to promote sound brain injury policies and funding. NASHIA is also a member of coalitions including the Administration for Community Living (ACL) Disability Network, Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD), Disability and Rehabilitation Research Coalition (DRRC), Injury and Violence Prevention Network, and American Brain Coalition. We collaborate with other national organizations promoting improved health and disability policies. In addition, NASHIA works closely with the Congressional Brain Injury Task Force, which also hosts an annual Awareness Day in the Nation's Capital each March.