Officer Election

Who can vote?

Persons who are in good standing with NASHIA and are either State Agency Member Representatives, Individual Full Members, or Retiree Members shall be allowed to vote in the Board Member election.

Who can be elected?

Only persons who are employed by state/territorial governmental, lead state agencies and full voting members as defined in the Bylaws may serve as President, President-Elect, Secretary and Treasurer. Members of the Board of Directors serve a two-year term. In accordance to the Bylaws, no officer shall be eligible to serve two (2) successive terms in the same office unless that person was elected to fill a vacancy. Terms of office shall begin following the election at the annual meeting.

Voting will be open from August 31st to September 14th at 5pm Pacific/8pm Eastern.

Newly elected officers will be announced at the live membership meeting on September 23, 2020 at 12:30pm Pacific/3:30pm Eastern. More information to follow.


Candidates for 2020-2022


Candidate for President

Monica A. Lichi, MS Ed., PC, MBA, CCRP is Director for the Ohio Valley Center for Brain Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, a center dedicated to conducting research, providing education, and developing programs to improve the quality of life of persons who experience traumatic brain injury. She is also Director for the Ohio Brain Injury Program, whose mission is to advance prevention and treatment that will improve the lives of Ohioans impacted by traumatic brain injury. Monica received her Master of Science in Education and has been a Licensed Professional Counselor since 2007. Monica also holds a Master of Business Education degree. In 2016, Monica achieved the Certification of Clinical Research Professionals from the Society of Clinical Research Associates. Prior to joining The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, she had nine years of experience working in the community behavioral health system of Franklin County.  She has served on NASHIA’s Board of Directors since 2016 as Secretary, Member at Large, President-Elect and State of the States Co-Chair.


Candidate for President-Elect

Maggie Ferguson, MS, CRC, CBIS has been the Brain Injury and Disability Program Manager at the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) since 2013, leading initiatives such as youth sports concussion management and falls prevention in older adults.  She also provides administrative support to Iowa's Advisory Council on Brain Injuries. Prior to coming to IDPH, she was a NeuroResource Facilitator at the Brain Injury Alliance of Iowa and has had over 20 years providing services and support to individuals with disabilities.  Maggie has been a member of NASHIA since 2013, and has enjoyed serving on the board in various capacities over the past 4 years, including regional representative, co-chair of the State of the State planning committee, and currently as co-chair of the membership committee.


Candidate for Secretary

Christine Medeiros, MA, LPC, NCC, is the Texas Brain Injury Programs Manager at Texas Health & Human Services Commission and oversees the Comprehensive Rehabilitation Services Program and the Office of Acquired Brain Injury. Mrs. Medeiros has 25 years of experience in behavioral health and rehabilitation services supporting persons across the lifespan. In addition, she has worked in a variety of healthcare settings and supported people with disabilities focused on recovery and independent living.  Under her program leadership, she has worked with system change initiatives including use of wraparound, person-centered practices, trauma informed care, self-advocacy, education and cross system collaboration. She joined NASHIA in 2017 and served on the planning committee for the 31st Annual State of the States Head Injury Conference. 



Candidate for Treasurer

Jennifer Braun is the Brain Injury Manager for the Bureau of Special Health Care Needs within the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services. Since 2018, Jennifer has been responsible for providing development, implementation, day-to-day management, monitoring and continuous improvement of all Adult Brain Injury Program components in order to assure appropriate services for persons with brain injuries are delivered and received. She also serves as the Project Director for the Administration for Community Living (ACL) Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) State Partnership Grant. In addition, she is responsible for facilitating the functions of the Missouri Brain Injury Advisory Council, a state-wide Governor appointed council that studies and promotes interventions and systems that improve outcomes related to traumatic brain injury. Jennifer became a member of NASHIA in 2018.  October 1, 2018, she became the Co-Chair of the State of the States Planning Committee.  The SOS conference was held in Kansas City, MO in 2019 where she played a lead role as a Co-Chair. The 2020 SOS conference will be a virtual conference and therefore, because of her technology background, she is serving as the lead of the technology sub-committee.  In addition, she was selected to be the Chair of the Public Policy Committee in 2019.


Candidate for Emeritus Board Member

Lorraine Wargo, RN has dedicated her professional and personal life to developing and managing programs for individuals facing an array of disabilities, with a concentration on traumatic brain injury for over 40 years.  The State of Vermont hired Lorraine to develop and implement the Vermont Traumatic Brain Injury Community Re-Entry Program.  Her career evolved to Director of the Division of Disability and Aging Services.  Responsibilities included management of a staff of 120 and programs serving individuals across the life span. Concurrently, her involvement with the National Association of State Head Injury Administrators (NASHIA) began in 1993 as a member, continuing into expanding roles as regional representative, secretary, treasure, president, and eventually as Executive Director.  Retired from the State of Vermont in 2010, her career continues to evolve giving her opportunities utilizing her clinical skills for Vermont’s 1115 Choices for Care Waiver, consultant, presenter, advocate, and author.  Lorraine is also a member of the Governor appointed Department of Aging and Disability Advisory Board, Vermont Traumatic Injury Advisory Board, and the current emeritus member of the NASHIA board.