ACL Return to Work/Return to Play
Return to Learn Toolkit
*Unknown 508 Compliance
Workforce Competencies
In 2018, the Administration for Community Living awarded TBI Partnership Grants to 24 states with the overarching goal of creating and strengthening a system of services and supports that maximizes the independence, well-being, and health of people with TBI across the lifespan, their family members, and support networks.
To support this goal, grantees were charged with helping to inform and create a national survivor-oriented training infrastructure, respecting differences in customs and traditions for TBI service professionals. Specifically, the development of workforce training competencies were intended to provide guidance on the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed among staff serving persons with TBI across the lifespan and across different domains (e.g., educational, vocational rehabilitation, criminal/juvenile justice settings).
The competencies are intended to be used as a comprehensive set of proficiencies that specifically address the training needs of professionals, paraprofessionals, and others (e.g., police officers, educators, child welfare professionals, etc.) who serve individuals with brain injury. These competencies have been developed with the knowledge that regulations and guidance vary from state to state and are intended to be used in conjunction with each state's laws.