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2022 Student Research Poster Session Winner

Congratulations to Meghan Chapman of University of Massachusetts Boston, this year's Student Research Poster Session Winner!

Held during our annual State of the States event, the poster session was sponsored by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR). Sixteen submissions were approved, and one was selected by popular vote.

The Invisible Head Injury Epidemic

There is an emerging cultural awareness of a population experiencing a disability that is still underidentified, underdiagnosed, and undertreated: women who have experienced partner-inflicted (PI) head injury (HI): including traumatic brain injury caused by an impact to the head or neck or shoving / shaking, and anoxic-hypoxic brain injury caused by strangulation. Data suggests that 1.6 million or more women are affected each year, but neither the survivors nor the people who want to help them are aware that intimate partner violence (IPV) can frequently result in traumatic brain injury from strangulation or impact injuries to the head or neck. In addition to identifying barriers to care for these women, our research uncovered five specific opportunities that Head Injury Administrators might take to make the invisible population visible.

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