
35th Annual State of the States in Brain Injury Conference

2024's SOS will be the 35th consecutive year that NASHIA has hosted the conference.

SOS continues to bring state leaders together, alongside brain injury advocacy organizations, partners, researchers, and providers.

This year’s conference will highlight work in the Criminal Legal System (CLS) as a content track, as well as bring content applicable to the whole brain injury community.

The pre-conference will focus on Medicaid Home and Community Based Services.

Dates and Location

Sept. 16, Full Day: Pre-Conference on Medicaid Home and Community Based Services
Sept. 17-18, Full Day: Main Conference AND CLS Track Content
Sept. 19, Half Day: Main Conference

Graduate Hotel
66 East 6th Avenue
Eugene, OR 97401

Visit NASHIA’s 2024 SOS site to get all the details!

NASHIA is excited to be a grant recipient, along with the University of Michigan, from the Toyota Way Forward Fund, for development of the Concussion Navigator App.

This program offers evidence-based concussion tools for recovery for parents and students and an interactive map of concussion resources and clinics in Michigan with the goal to scale nationally.

The grant is a multi-year initiative aimed at strengthening access to care and injury recovery support for individuals and their families, with an initial focus on children with traumatic brain injuries (TBI).

NASHIA is very grateful to Toyota for this opportunity to help develop tools to benefit individuals with brain injury!

Technical Assistance Services

Allow us to help your state create sustainable systems of care that are comprehensive, culturally sensitive, person-centered, and inclusive of individuals with TBI and family members.
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